
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hey Guys Just Saying Hey

Hey guys it sucks that its almost back to school im not ready at all we need to read 2 novels they are Frindle and AlCapone Does my Shirts.I finished Frindle but AlCapone has 40 chapeters and im only on chapter 8.I also need to go back to school shopping and we need uniforms too.What shool do you go to?I go to Saint Benedicts School.Its okay but the tewishion is alot.Get ready for school and dont be late unless you wanna miss it.Bye guys.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Hey Guys.Have you ever heard of Club Penguin?Well now at the bottom of my blog you can vote on the website you like the best.Please Vote on it!Thank You.

Hey people from Planet Earth that want to live on Planet Cazmo.If you want to Follow my blog on all its updated be the first to join!Have a Great day.

Hey Guys.How have you been?I bet you have been really hot in the heat so get in the AC and chill out on Planet Cazmo.If you are going on vacation where are you going?I am going to Dorney Park.
                                            If you have heard of it OMG isn't is soooooo fun!I love the Wave Pool and the water slide.Once when  I was on this water slide i got stuck and some guy came flying down the slide and I went soooooo fast.I was on the slide with someone and she was atleast 2 slides ahead of me waiting for me to come down and when I got down I smacked into her really hard and she fell out of her tube and we laughed soooooooooooo hard so she pushed me out of my tube.It was awsome.
Hey Guys.It's me,Kayla.Did you ever think,"How do I become an ambassador on Planet Cazmo."Well now you will know.To become an amassador you have to be spreading the world and obey all the rules.Such as Don't curse,Don't spam(ghdegue),and Don't make fun of other cazmos just because of who you think they are.

                                                   SPREAD THE WORLD!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Just Saying Hey to my veiwers

Hi guys its Kayla,if u want go all the way down on my blog and you can vote on how much u like it.Tell all of your friend to spread the world!


New Updates On Planet Cazmo

The pools are here!Now instead of having to go to lake cazmo or the beach u can just chill out at your own house.Invite friends and make a little get together with your best friends.Also updated were new chat bubbles.And now make your yard large X-Large or even jumbo!Have fun at your new house.